Friday, June 10, 2011

Mumblings While I Do Laundry

Today is my first day as a blogger. I feel a little silly about this whole sharing my thoughts online thing. Isn't that what a journal is for? I don't know. In addition to feeling silly, I feel all technologically advanced and stuff. So anyway, what can I talk about. Not much. I'm gearing up for a big move to Kansas City, Missouri...on my own. Scary, no? Far away from the small town life I grew up with, far away from my family and everything I've ever known, far away from...well a lot of stuff. I'm looking forward to a new beginning and starting a new chapter in my life. It will certainly be interesting to see what directions I head in and the exciting thing I know God will bring my way. In the mean time, I mean...right now...I think I will conclude this blog and go take my laundry out of the dryer.

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