Monday, June 27, 2011

Gone With The Wind

Strange things happen to me. I think we've established this. Plus, its what my blog is about. So let me just share some more of the weird things that tend to happen to me. SO ANYWAY....I work at this department store called Herbergers (Furberger's if your name is Lauren Murphy), and I had to take some hangers to the back stockroom. Well, our air conditioning has been broken for about two months now and its hot so we have fans everywhere. And I like to wear dresses to work. Lets do the math and guess what happens. YUP. As I was walking out of the stockroom the fan blew up my dress in a manner that can only be described as worse than Marilyn Monroe on that sewer grate thing. Except I wasn't happy about it like she was. And to make things even better, the new menswear guy was walking toward me, and I'm pretty sure I flashed him my bits. At least I was wearing cute underwear. So he looks at me, I look at him and say, "Well. Wasn't that exciting." and walked away. Thus ends my story. Earlier in the day that same guys scared the crap out of me when he was returning my lint roller. I'm sure he thinks I'm insane. Which of course, I am. But thats all for now. Peace out, girl scout.

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