Monday, June 20, 2011

Iowa=A State of Mass Confusion

Once Upon A Time...I went on a little road trip to Missouri to see some rather important people to my life. This journey was fraught with peril, NEW THINGS, and basically terror at every turn. On the way there, I was almost run over by a semi truck TWICE, which prompted me to remember my dream of becoming a children's book author. Strange way to remember, I know, but stay with me. I have always said that semis should get their own roads because, lets face it people, sometimes*ALWAYS* I am terrified of semi trucks and am constantly afraid of dying while driving. This is not a good state to be in whilst driving down the road at 75 mph. ANYWAY...I decided I wanted to write a children's book entitled "The Rude Little Semi". It will be like "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", but about rude semis. It will of course, be educational. So there's that.

The weekend itself was pleasant to spend some time with my college roomies who will soon become my roomies again in about a month, and got to spend some time with the man friend. :) So that was all well and good. It was the trip home that really got me. For those of you that don't know, the trip home from Missouri should be about 4 and a half hours-ish. Depending on how fast you are driving. But as I was approaching IA-2 that would get me into Lincoln and consequently I-80, disaster struck. There was so much flooding and construction going on that I couldn't get where I needed to be. So I ended up driving around Iowa for about two hours until I finally figured out where the heck I was going and got home at 11pm, having left Missouri at 4:30. A whopping 7 hour trip. My leg muscles hurt today from sitting. 

So there you have it folks...there is some randomosity for you. I'm sure I will be experiencing more in the days ahead. Over and out.

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